Savitribai Phule Pune University
Second Year of Computer E
ngineering (2019 Course)
Data Structures & Algorithms Laboratory


Problem Statement: 

Given sequence k = k1 <k2 < ... < kn of n sorted keys, with a search probability pi for each key ki . Build the Binary search tree that has the least search cost given the access probability for each key.



using namespace std;
void con_obst(void);
void print(int,int);
float a[20],b[20],wt[20][20],c[20][20];
int r[20][20],n;
int main()
    int i;
    cout<<"\n****** PROGRAM FOR OBST ******\n";
    cout<<"\nEnter the no. of nodes : ";
    cin>>n;cout<<"\nEnter the probability for successful search :: ";
    cout<<"\nEnter the probability for unsuccessful search :: ";
void con_obst(void)
    int i,j,k,l,min;
      { //Initialisation
        // for j-i=1 can be j=i+1
    //for j-i=2,3,4....,n
    cout<<"\n\nOptimal BST is :: ";
    cout<<"\nw[0]["<<n<<"] :: "<<wt[0][n];
    cout<<"\nc[0]["<<n<<"] :: "<<c[0][n];
    cout<<"\nr[0]["<<n<<"] :: "<<r[0][n];
void print(int l1,int r1)
        cout<<"\n Left child of "<<r[l1][r1]<<" :: "<<r[l1][r[l1][r1]-1];
        cout<<"\n Right child of "<<r[l1][r1]<<" :: "<<r[r[l1][r1]][r1];