Savitribai Phule Pune University
Second Year of Computer Engineering (2019 Course)

Data Structures Laboratory

Data Structures Laboratory: A palindrome is a string of character that‘s the same forward and backward. Typically, punctuation, capitalization, and spaces are ignored. For example, “Poor Dan is in a droop” is a palindrome, as can be seen by examining the characters “poor danisina droop” and observing that they are the same forward and backward. One way to check for a palindrome is to reverse the characters in the string and then compare with them the original-in a palindrome, the sequence will be identical. Write C++ program with functions

Problem Statement:

A palindrome is a string of character that‘s the same forward and backward. Typically, punctuation, capitalization, and spaces are ignored. For example, “Poor Dan is in a droop” is a palindrome, as can be seen by examining the characters “poor danisina droop” and observing that they are the same forward and backward. One way to check for a palindrome is to reverse the characters in the string and then compare with them the original-in a palindrome, the sequence will be identical. Write C++ program with functions-
a) To print original string followed by reversed string using stack
b) To check whether given string is palindrome or not


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define SIZE 50
char arr[SIZE];
int top = -1;

int isFull()
    if (top == SIZE - 1)
        return 1;
        return 0;

int isEmpty(){
        return 0;
        return 1;

void reversed(string statement1,string statement2){
    cout<<"\nReverse String is: "<<statement2<<endl;
        cout<<"\nString is Palindrome.....\n"<<endl;
        cout<<"\nString is NOT Palindrome.....\n"<<endl;

void push(string userInput,string statement1,string statement2)
    for (int i = 0; i < userInput.size(); i++)
            cout<<"Stack is Full!!"<<endl;
            if((int(userInput[i])>=65 && int(userInput[i])<=90)||(int(userInput[i])>=97 && int(userInput[i])<=122)){
                cout << userInput[i] << " is Push on Stack..." << endl;
                arr[top] =char(tolower(userInput[i]));

int main()
    string userInput,statement1,statement2;
    cout << "Enter String to be reversed and check it is Palindrome or Not: ";
    getline(cin, userInput);
    return 0;